Not all fungi are “fun-guys”


There are literally trillions of micro-organisms growing on roofs, rocks, cliffs and even old sculptures. So many, that to know them all you would have to have a master’s degree in micro biology, even if you were Albert Einstein you would probably struggle to know every single name. I can barely pronounce this fungus “Hymenoscyphus fraxineus”.

Fungus and Plant life are an important part of our eco system without fungus we would not have plants and without plants fungus would not survive, However some fungus can cause devastation to not only our eco system but also the buildings we live and work in

Your roof if left untreated can become infested with literally thousands upon thousands of different growths many of which are microscopic which cannot been seen by the human eye.which can infestate and attack your roof.

Statue cleaning in Gloucesteshire

Just like the common Ash tree in the UK which is being attacked by a fungus which originates from Asia

Fungus comes in many different forms, Moss, Moulds, Algae & Lichen are the main culprits growing and attacking your roof.

Ecology and interactions with environment

“When growing on mineral surfaces, some lichens slowly decompose their substrate by chemically degrading and physically disrupting the minerals, contributing to the process of weathering by which rocks are gradually turned into soil. While this contribution to weathering is usually benign, it can cause problems for artificial stone structures. For example, there is an ongoing lichen growth problem on Mount Rushmore National Memorial that requires the employment of mountain-climbing conservators to clean the monument.”


So hat is growing on your roof?

Cushion moss

Red Cap Hair Moss

their are many varieties but they are the sporing moss. In bloom season they act like a dandelion when blown and will cover a roof quickly. It’s favourite growth ground is masonry inbetween ridge tiles and walls. This will begin to erode the masonry and the surface of the tile.

Cushion Moss

this is the bright green carpet or bobble moss, on the tiles.


Lichen on roof tile Xanthoria parietina

Xanthoria parietina is a foliose, or leafy, lichen. It has wide distribution, and many common names such as common orange lichenyellow scale, maritime sunburst lichen and shore lichen are the most common found growing on the surface of your roof or even rendered homes.


If you would like to learn about fungus growing on your roof and how you can treat the areas to stop the the decomposing of your roof,

Contact for a FREE demo :01452 301342
