SkyLine SoftWash were asked to DOFF steam clean & SoftWash these lovely steps & patio area in Gloucester today


Patio cleaning in Gloucester before and aftre pictures using SoftWash and DOFF steam cleaning a stone heratige product (1)

As you can see in in the picture to your right, this patio had a heavy infestation of algae growth, Mould, Lichen.These stubborn infestations are extremely hard to deal with if you haven’t got the right training, knowledge and equipment.


Many people would attempt to pressure wash these areas but in fact, by pressure washing, all you are doing is feeding the infestation with more moisture. Moulds, algae live and grow in wet conditions so you need to make sure these areas are treated in the right way.


Pressure washing these areas basically gives it a hair cut, but leaves the root to grow back and with all the added water!


SkyLine SoftWash uses a mixture of specialist cleaning techniques to Kill the funguses at the root to make long-lasting cleaning that lasts 4-6 times longer than pressure washing alone.


Fantastic results once again for our Lovely Clients in Gloucester

If you would like a FREE demo or estimate get in touch today on 01452 301342